Working together to make Clevedon a confident, thriving and self-reliant community.
Our group formed in 2010 first as Transition Clevedon and now renamed as Sustainable Clevedon, and always with the same vision – to see Clevedon as a more sustainable and resilient town to live in and enjoy. To achieve this we are working with other local organisations, councils and The Transition Network.
We became a Charitable Incorporated Organisation in 2025. This formalises the way we work, makes us more accountable to the community and will enable us to raise more funds and apply for more grants to continue to achieve our aims.
The Transition Movement believes we need to build a confident, thriving and resilient community to meet the challenges of climate change, the exhaustion of natural resources and biodiversity loss: by working as a community together we can achieve more than striving individually to address the biggest challenges of our times.
What we do
Our main areas of interest are:
raising awareness about the causes and impact of climate change and encouraging practical steps to reduce carbon emissions and mitigate climate change
promoting renewable energy
making homes more energy efficient
passing on skills
promoting a low-input approach to gardening and buying local/seasonal food
encouraging people to use sustainable transport
promoting biodiversity and encouraging nature recovery and local habitat regeneration, including tree planting in the local area
reducing, reusing and recycling waste
promoting a produce, plant and seed swap at the monthly Farmers’ Market
We hold many events during the year. These range from talks by guest speakers, garden trails and social events such as quizzes and film showings in collaboration with Clevedon’s Curzon Cinema and Arts.
Green Shift
In 2024 we launched our Green Shift campaign, encouraging people to take their own steps, large or small towards becoming more sustainable which together as a community will make a big impact.
In the same year we held our first Green Shift Festival, repeated in March 2025, a fun festival with a serious message. With a mixture of music, films, panel discussions and community involvement, this is our flagship event to engage and inspire action and change.